Introduction Course to “L-ISA Immersive Audio & Loudspeaker System” oleh L-Acoustics.

Introduction Course to “L-ISA Immersive Audio & Loudspeaker System” oleh L-Acoustics.

L-ISA demo for Vincent Degoul and Jules Irrmann, the Deputy and Cultural Counsellor from Institut Français Indonesia (IFI). 

IFI was created in 2012 through a merger between the Embassy’s Cultural Services and the French Cultural Centers (CCF). As part of the global “Institut Français” network, IFI encourages cross-cultural exchange and cooperation. It highlights French expertise and excellence in education and culture while promoting French innovation and creativity as key elements of the country’s global appeal.

SAE merupakan lembaga pendidikan media kreatif terkemuka di dunia. SAE kini telah tersebar di 47 kampus di 23 negara dan mempunyai program Sarjana dalam bidang Animasi, Audio, Film, dan Bisnis Kreatif & Hiburan. Tepat di bulan November lalu, Sae Jakarta memilih L-isa L-acoustics untuk menambah wawasan civitas SAE Indonesia tentang teknologi audio terkini yang digunakan oleh para profesional di dunia. Berikut dokumentasi kegiatan “L-ISA Immersive Audio & Loudspeaker System” oleh L-Acoustics di Sae Jakarta.

PT Gracia Auvindo's Hendra Halim, Head of Foundation Sae Indonesia, Civitas Sae Jakarta with Francois Montignies is the 

Head of Education Program at L-Acoustics and Daniel Lee Application Engineer L-isa.